hello at billfutreal dot com

Just my stuff

Category: Bloggin’

  • Proper Hot Dogs

    Proper Hot Dogs

    It’s a difficult damn thing to find proper old-school hot dogs! But you can always count on Paul’s Place in Rocky Point NC to serve you well. It’s right there on Highway 117 – been there as long as I can remember.

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  • Currie NC

    Currie NC

    This is the old sign on Maggie Walker’s store in Currie. My grandmother used to take me here!  Do you see the broken paint right beneath it?  There used to be a Coca-Cola sign there – glad the store sign is still here!

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  • Moore’s Creek

    Here’s a video I shot at Moore’s Creek in Currie North Carolina.  This is part of Moore’s Creek National Battlefield.  My grandparents lived a about a mile away and I spent a ton of time here growing up!

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